Laissez-Faire by Cristiano Volk
Imagine a life lived under the glow of artificial daylight, where reality is not experienced directly, but mediated through screens. Imagine a world so densely networked that all of the distinctions by which we have learned to make sense of time and place–interior and exterior…
Text by Eugenie Shinkle

Laissez-Faire Encontros da Imagem exhibition
Imaginem uma vida que é vivida sob o brilho de uma luz artificial, onde a realidade não é experimentada diretamente, mas através de telas. Imaginem um mundo tão densamente conectado, no qual todas as distinções através das quais aprendemos a dar sentido ao tempo e ao lugar – interior e exterior, privado e público, dia e noite – desmoronaram numa única alucinação em tons de néon.

Laissez-faire (literally “let do” in French) is a photographic project inspired by the principle proper to economic liberalism, favorable to the non-intervention of the state in the economic system; according to this theory, the selfish action of the individual citizen, in the search for his own well-being, would in fact be sufficient to guarantee the economic prosperity of the whole society.

Laissez-Faire Umbigo magazine
Imaginem uma vida que é vivida sob o brilho de uma luz artificial, onde a realidade não é experimentada diretamente, mas através de telas. Imaginem um mundo tão densamente conectado, no qual todas as distinções através das quais aprendemos a dar sentido ao tempo e ao lugar – interior e exterior, privado e público, dia e noite – desmoronaram numa única alucinação em tons de néon.
Galeria do Paço da UMinho, Segunda a Sábado: 10h00 – 18h00.

Laissez-Faire Photo Fringe 2020
Laissez-faire (literally “let do” in French) is a photographic project inspired by the principle proper to economic liberalism, favorable to the non-intervention of the state in the economic system; according to this theory, the selfish action of the individual citizen, in the search for his own well-being, would in fact be sufficient to guarantee the economic prosperity of the whole society.

Laissez-Faire Helsinki Photo Festival
Imagine a life lived under the glow of artificial daylight, where reality is not experienced directly, but mediated through screens. Imagine a world so densely networked that all of the distinctions by which we have learned to make sense of time and place – interior and exterior, private and public, day and night – have collapsed into a single, neon-hued hallucination.